Special HOD Meeting Scheduled for Nov. 7
We have scheduled a special HOD meeting for 1:30 pm on Friday, November 7, 2008, at the new OSB Center in Tigard. Please let us know as soon as possible whether or not you will be able to attend. Please make every effort to be there.
Council On Court Procedures Requests Feedback
At its meeting on September 13, 2008 the Council on Court Procedures unanimously approved publication of proposed changes to six of the Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure (ORCP). The proposed rule changes are published for review and comment. To see the proposed changes, visit the Council’s website at http://www.lclark.edu/~ccp/AmendmentsPublishedforComment.htm
Changes are proposed to the following rules:
ORCP 1G, a new enabling rule for future court rules allowing filing and service of documents, except for service of summons, by electronic means.
- ORCP 7D(3), clarifying requirements for service on corporations,
limited liability companies, limited partnerships, general partnerships,
and limited liability partnerships.
- ORCP 54E, clarifying when offers to allow judgment may be filed.
- ORCP 55D, a housekeeping change adjusting several citations.
- ORCP 59B, requiring written jury instructions.
- ORCP 69, addressing the form and filing of notices of intent to take a default.
To comment on the proposed rules, send written comments to the Council’s Executive Director, Mark Peterson, Lewis & Clark Legal Clinic, 310 SW 4th Ave., Suite 1018, Portland, OR 97204; fax them to Mark Peterson at (503) 768.6540; or visit the Council’s website and click "Contact Us". Comments should be received on or before December 3, 2008 to allow the Council to consider them fully.
At its December 13, 2008 meeting at the Oregon State Bar Center, the Council will discuss the comments and promulgate the final rule amendments. The Legislature may amend, repeal, or supplement any Rule of Civil Procedure. If it does not, any new rules would go into effect on January 1, 2010.
Please Join the Bar in Honoring Karen Garst
Oregon State Bar Executive Director Karen Garst will retire at the end of this year, and we would like to honor her for her years of dedicated service. Please join us for an open house on November 5 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the Oregon State Bar center in Tigard.
6th Annual BOWLIO – November 8
The Oregon State Bar affirmative action program invites you to the Sixth Annual BOWLIO on Saturday, November 8, beginning at 6:00 pm. This year’s event will be held at Valley Lanes in Beaverton, located at 9300 SW Beaverton - Hillsdale Highway.
BOWLIO is a fundraiser for Opportunities for Law In Oregon (OLIO), a recruiting and retention strategy for Oregon’s ethnic minority law students. It gives judges, lawyers and law students a chance to team up to win prizes and network while having a good time. The cost is $50 for non-students, $20 for students. Donations for prizes welcome, tax deductible donations over the registration fee available. Proceeds go to fund Opportunity for Law in Oregon, (OLIO).
For more information contact Cheryl Taylor at ctaylor@osbar.org or 503-431-6338.
Bar Preference Poll Results
On September 29, the bar’s preference poll for contested judicial circuit court positions in Columbia and Jackson counties closed. Doug McGeary won the position 6 poll for Jackson County’s Circuit Court and Lisa Greif won the poll for position 8. The poll winner for the 3rd position on Columbia County’s Circuit Court is Jenefer Stenzel Grant.
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