Oregon State Bar Bulletin — FEBRUARY/MARCH 2008 |
15 Annual Litigation Institute & Retreat
Friday, March 7, 1-5:15 p.m.
Saturday, March 8, 8:30 a.m-12:45 p.m.
8.5 general CLE credits
Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Wash.
Join the members of the Litigation Section as Michael Tigar returns to the Litigation Institute and Retreat. Tigar’s presentation, "The Nine Principles of Litigation (and Perhaps of Life…)," promises to inspire and provide a memorable mechanism for incorporating his compelling and practical ideas about litigation into your practice. He believes that being a trial lawyer should be the most fun you can have in a profession. Cosponsored by the Litigation Section and endorsed by OTLA and OADC.
No video replay.
Problem Employee Discipline, Documentation & Discharge
Thursday, March 13, 9 a.m-4:30 p.m.
6.5 general CLE credits
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
The consequences of poor or sloppy disciplinary practices can be disastrous. From claims of harassment to defamation, this seminar provides practical pointers on preventing the most common lawsuits that stem from disciplinary missteps. Gain tools for the disciplinary process. Discover the pros and cons of different progressive disciplinary systems. Learn useful techniques for the performance management of difficult employees, and discuss tips for creating and completing written performance reviews. A day with employment and labor attorney Jeff Johnson, president and founder of Midwest Employment Resources, will be an invaluable opportunity for anyone involved with the employee disciplinary and discharge process.
Ast (5/2) Bend (4/25) CB (4/25) Eug (5/2) GP (4/24) HR (4/25)
Klam (4/25) LG (4/25) Med (5/2) New (5/2) Pend (5/2) Red (5/2) Rose (4/24)
Salem (4/25) Tig (4/30) Vale (4/25)
Veterans Law: Representing Former Service
Members and Their Disability Claims
Friday, March 14, 9 a.m-4:15 p.m.
6 general CLE credits
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
With the growth of our nation’s veteran population, veterans benefits and the claims process impact a variety of practice areas — including family law, elder law and estate planning. Ensuring proper and timely delivery of services to veterans and their surviving families is the focus of this new seminar offered by the Oregon State Bar. With knowledge provided by a faculty that includes three seasoned veterans’ law lawyers, participants will gain an understanding of the elements of handling veterans’ disability claims, including how to get paid.
Ast (4/18) Bend (4/11) CB (4/11) Eug (4/18) GP (4/10) HR (4/11)
Klam (4/11) LG (4/11) Med (4/18) New (4/18) Pend (4/18) Red (4/18) Rose (4/10)
Salem (4/11) Tig (4/16) Vale (4/11)
Internet for Lawyers: Two half-day seminars – Search
Strategies for the Legal Professional
Friday, April 11, 9 a.m-noon
3 general CLE or practical skills credits
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
Learn how to make the Internet work for you! This half-day (morning)
seminar will provide you with super strategies
so you can search like a pro. Learn which search engines are the best and the
best search strategies. Pick up browser tricks, toolbar tips and desktop search
Investigative Research Search Strategies
for the Legal Professional
Friday, April 11, 1-4 p.m.
3 general CLE or practical skills credits
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
There’s a wealth of information available via the Internet, and this half-day seminar will teach effective and low-cost methods to mine this data. Find missing people and witnesses. Get personal information from Usenet postings, Google and free newspaper and magazine archives. Learn quick and easy methods to access public records and how to locate low-cost public record/investigative databases.
Ast (5/9) Bend (5/2) CB (5/2) Eug (5/9) GP (5/1) HR (5/2) Klam
(5/2) LG (5/2) Med (5/9) New (5/9) Pend (5/9) Red (5/9) Rose (5/1) Salem (5/2)
Tig (5/7) Vale (5/2)
21st Annual Northwest Bankruptcy Institute
Friday, April 18, 8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m.
Saturday, April 19, 9 a.m.-noon
8.75 general CLE credits and
1 ethics credit
Grand Hyatt, Seattle
Don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen your bankruptcy skills and increase your knowledge by learning from some of the best of the Northwest’s bankruptcy bar. With five plenary sessions and five breakout sessions covering both consumer and business topics, there is something for every practitioner. This year’s presentations feature a consumer panel with the Hon. Bruce Markell, Richardo Kilpatrick, and Henry Sommer; Ken Klee discussing real estate insolvencies and restructuring; and a bankruptcy appeals panel that includes Sam Maizel, co-author of ABI’s Bankruptcy Appeals Manual: Winning Your Bankruptcy Appeal, which is part of this year’s institute course materials. Cosponsored by the Creditor-Debtor Section of the Washington State Bar Association and the Debtor-Creditor Section of the Oregon State Bar.
No video replay.
Oregon Uniform Civil Jury Instructions
You dont need to draft jury instructions — weve already done the work for you. Oregon
Uniform Civil Jury Instructions is a valuable desk and court room reference. Dont be caught unprepared using an outdated instruction. With the 2007 supplement, the UCJI Committee has created nine new
instructions and revised 12 instructions. For more information, call the OSB Service Desk at (503) 431-6413 or, toll-free in Oregon, (800) 452-8260, ext. 413.
May 1
Oregon & Washington Tax Institute