Oregon State Bar Bulletin — APRIL 2007 |
CHILD CENTERED SOLUTIONS presents Dr. Joan Kelly, Divorce and Children’s Adjustment: Current Research and Implications. 4 hours CLE. Contact: www.childcenteredsolutions.org or (503) 546.6383. May, 4 2007, 1pm-5pm, World Forestry Center.
DRAGON NATURALLY SPEAKING Pro 8.0 with Sony BM1 digital recorder; voice tracker wide array microphone; compact headset w/boom microphone, $700.00 obo. ZTS- Omega 6 line digital phone system w/ 6 corded desksets $300.00 obo. Law Office of Chris Kane, (541) 471-0414, ckaneesq@charter.net.
LAW OFFICE BOOKS AND EQUIPMENT for sale. Desks, chairs, filing cabinets, CLEs, Oregon cases, bookshelves. View details through email bhansen_law@yahoo.com or call (503) 472-0321.
ALBERTA ARTS DISTRICT — 1 to 3 offices in renovated 1,300 sq. ft. Victorian on N.E. 15th and Alberta (5014 N.E. 15th). Tall ceilings and windows, air conditioning, off street parking, room for private outdoor patio, large reception space, conf room and work area $300 mo. per office (503) 226-3607.
OFFICE PROGRAMS — Sellwood location within beautifully designed
Class ‘A’ building on the river, minutes from downtown PDX.
Amenities include meeting rooms, fully furnished offices, professional
receptionist, free parking, admin support services,
T-1 digital phone and internet, copy centers and more! River Park Center
(503) 238-7500.
AVAILABLE OFFICE in congenial 15-attorney suite near Kruse Way in Lake Oswego. Rent includes reception, law library, conference rooms, high speed Internet and phone service, kitchen and parking. Secretarial services available. Call Jan at (503) 635-7773.
CLASS A SUBLEASE for a 230 sq ft office; new construction, fully wired; $800/mo. I-5 exit off Carmen Dr. Suite is next door to our firm. For details call Heidi (503) 352-1991.
GRESHAM OFFICE SHARING OPPORTUNITY — One or two offices available in four office suite. Library and phone system installed. Cost sharing to be negotiated. 1217 NE Burnside, Suite 201, Gresham. Phone: (503) 667-4800.
AVAILABLE OFFICES AND SUITES — 7 Locations: Airport, Beaverton, 2 Downtown Locations, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Sellwood, Tigard. Specialized services for Legal Professionals. Great Shared Amenities: Reception, Administrative Support, Conference Rooms, Full Facilities Management, Copiers, Fax, Postage, Kitchen. Phone and T-1 Internet services provided. Call: (503) 595-3391.
NW 23rd w/ tons of character; perfect for law office! 6 on-site
parking spaces w/ plenty of free
street parking. View at http:// portland.craigslist.org/mlt/off/2940526
36.html Call (503) 310-1000.
CLASS A OFFICE SPACE available in Tigard Triangle area in new 4000 sf building. Space available April 1st. If interested in subleasing from attorney tenant for space and services at a cost less than downtown Portland, call Doug or Lori at (503) 223-8285.
CORNELL ROAD AND HWY 26 — up to three offices (each about 10.5x12 feet) and secretarial station available in a very desirable modern building with easy access to Beaverton, Hillsboro and Portland. Use of conference room, copier, fax, DSL service. Some secretarial support possible. $500 each office per month. Call (503) 469-9211.
DOWNTOWN PORTLAND, Pioneer Tower, Class A space, one office available, near courthouses, receptionist, voice mail, conference rooms, copiers, phone, $650 (503) 274-1680.
EXECUTIVE OFFICE SUITES — Beaverton, Clackamas, Lake Oswego and Milwaukie. Private suites with skilled receptionist, conf. room. Internet, phone, transcription and other specialized services available. Corner Office Inc. (503) 780-3627.
GRESHAM — Two-lawyer firm could accommodate a third lawyer who would share overhead expense from net fees earned. Prefer attorney who would be willing to develop practice in fields of workers compensation, social security disability, bankruptcy, taxation or land use law, areas we rarely handle, in addition to general practice opportunities. Telephone: (503) 665-8143; fax: (503) 665-8145.
GRESHAM OFFICE SHARING OPPORTUNITY -- One office available with four amiable sole practitioners in Class A office building in downtown Gresham. Space for support person if necessary. Copier/fax, library, DSL, OJIN, phone and phone answering, some secretarial services, conference room and reception area all available. Space is newly remodeled and attorney offices have large windows with eastern exposure and large parking lot. 1 block from Gresham Central MAX station. Cost dependent on services needed and is negotiable. Call (503) 665-4176.
HILLSBORO — Large office
across from courthouse on 2nd Street, Available immediately - $425.00/mo
includes office, telephone (except for long distance charges), staff area,
use of conference room,
kitchen, shower, on-site file storage, DSL Internet connection, copier, scanner
and fax. Contact Hope @ Ray Bassel’s office (503) 693-8725 or hope@
block to courthouse, free reserved parking. Single private offices on month
to month or longer term. $ 325 to $ 375 per month, full service. Larger suites
also available. Call Jay Weil (503) 924-5772,
HILLSBORO, NEW OFFICE BUILDING — Newly-constructed building with space for lease in City Center near Courthouse with off-street parking. 3-Levels, up to 5,977 sf each. Lease rate is $18.00/sf, Full Service. Will improve to suit; improvements negotiable. Contact David Green at (503) 201-5837.
HILLSBORO OFFICE SPACE. Large office and first class accommodations in Lincoln Street Professional Center, 330 NE Lincoln Street, Hillsboro. Available immediately. Rent $975 includes office, telephone (except for long distance charges), large staff area, use of three conference rooms, kitchen, shower, some on site file storage, and off street parking. Other available amenities include DSL Internet connection, on line legal research, copier, scanner, fax, and intra office network. Contact Andrew Rich (503) 693-3633 or ARich@AndrewRich.com.
KRUSE WAY/HWY 217 AREA — Easy access, windowed corner office for attorney. Reception room, conference room — library, fax, copier, mail/production room, client parking. Share office building with 4 other attorneys. Possible overflow/referrals. $600. Call John Shonkwiler (503) 624-0917.
KRUSE WAY — LAKE OSWEGO — New Class A Bldg., Partner-size offices — Windowed, receptionist, phone, fax, copier, conference rooms, free parking; $810-$1,095/mo. Phone numbers available or porting tenant numbers also available. Call for information. John, (503) 675-4300.
MEDFORD OFFICE SPACE — Located near the courthouse. Friendly, full-service office. Includes receptionist, voicemail, conference room, kitchen, copier and fax. Secretarial space available. Call for information: (541) 776-7927.
OREGON CITY — On the bluff with view! Walk to Clackamas County Courthouse. Two offices available, reception, kitchen, free parking, copier, fax, internet. Secretarial services available. Price negotiable depending on amenities used. Call Kathie (503) 656-2637.
PORTLAND: GET OFF THE BUS MALL — Two offices available in quiet 3 story office. CAT5 wired, DSL, multiple phone lines. Conference room, shower, lunch area, copier/fax, parking. Join four lawyers in busy criminal and personal injury practice. Near PSU. Negotiable. (503) 224-1104.
PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE — 11200 SW Allen Blvd, Beaverton, OR. Easy Freeway Access — Hwy 217. Second Floor, Approx. 3000 SF; Separate HVAC Unit . Negotiable and Competitive Rate. Contact Gregory Young (503) 646-4800 or greg.young@youngjustrom.com.
SALEM — Two offices available in Mediterranean style single level building; $650.00 and $500.00/mo; each includes paralegal carrel, DSL, kitchen use, patio, reception, conf room, library, parking, overflow. Frank (503) 851-1877.
HOOKED BY CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY? Help yourself and your loved ones. Call the confidential and anonymous Oregon Attorney Assistance Program (OAAP) at (503) 226-1057 or toll-free in Oregon: (800) 321-OAAP — Meloney Crawford, ext. 13; or Douglas Querin, ext. 12.
WERE YOU RAISED in a family where there was alcohol, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or some other dysfunction? For information about lawyers’ ACoD support groups, call the confidential and anonymous Oregon Attorney Assistance Program (OAAP) at (503) 226-1057 or toll-free in Oregon: (800) 321-OAAP — Mike Long, ext. 11; or Shari R. Gregory, ext. 14.
It is the policy of the Bulletin to only list equal employment opportunities. Employers who list employment opportunities in the Bulletin represent that they do not and agree that they will not discriminate in hiring on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, military status, national origin, handicap, family status or sexual orientation.
ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 1 — State of Oregon Judicial Department, Clackamas County Circuit Court, Oregon City, Oregon. Probate Coordinator. Manages Probate caseload, analyzes Probate procedures and policies. For complete job announcement and application visit www.ojd.state.or.us/jobs or call (503) 655- 8670. Salary: $2854-4219/mo plus benefits. Closes 5pm, April 16, 2007.
ASHLAND — F/T City Attorney. Population 21,430. Salary range: $85,404- $95,968 Annually + Excellent fringe benefit package. The City of Ashland is seeking an experienced attorney with municipal and management experience to lead a talented legal staff in providing a broad range of legal services for the City. Completion of an accredited law school + 5 years experience as a practicing attorney representing the public sector, or satisfactory combination of education and experience that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the duties of the position. Must be or become admitted to the Oregon State Bar and maintain membership requirements. For a complete job announcement and required application, please contact Human Resources at: 20 E. Main Street, Ashland, OR 97520, Phone: (541) 552-2110, Fax: (541) 488-5311, Web: www.ashland.or.us Applications must be received no later than Friday, April 20, 2007. AA/EOE.
civil litigator with significant trial
experience. Excellent firm atmosphere. Send resume to Davis, Hearn, Saladoff,
Bridges & Visser, P.C., 515 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520,
or email Jennifer Bridges at jbridges@davishearn.com.
ASSISTANT DEAN/DIRECTOR OF CAREER SERVICES — University of Oregon School of Law (Eugene). Leadership position managing and providing direct services in the area of Career Services. This position oversees all law school efforts to place students in the job market. Responsibilities include but are not limited to, managing personnel, developing and managing a departmental budget, developing a technology plan, managing the public relations/marketing/outreach to employers and graduates, providing reports such as statistics/surveys, providing comprehensive direct services to law students and graduates, and oversight of the Pro Bono Program. JD from ABA accredited law school required. Five years of professional work experience, with at least three of these years being post-JD, strongly preferred. This includes working in a legal or law-related setting using skills necessary to successfully counsel law students, or, experience as a career counselor working with students, lawyers or other professional groups. Successful candidate must have strong interpersonal skills sufficient to inspire and work effectively with diverse groups of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the Bar Association. Salary $60, 000 to $80,000 with highly competitive benefits package. See the University of Oregon website <http://www.uoregon.edu/ (jobs/administrative) for a complete list of job requirements, job description, application procedures, and supplemental questions. AA/EO/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity.
University of Oregon School of Law (Eugene). Leadership position managing
and providing direct services in the Student Affairs area, including Registrar’s
office. Responsible for counseling students, organizing the faculty advising
program, assisting student organizations, planning orientation and commencement
ceremonies, overseeing exam administration and honor code, administering
scholarship aid (including LRAP Program), acting as a liaison with University
Financial Aid Office, directing the academic support program, working with
others in recruiting, retaining, and supporting students of color, managing
Student Affairs staff and similar activities. JD from ABA accredited law
school required. Five years of professional work experience, with at least
three of these years being post-JD, strongly preferred. Successful candidate
must have strong interpersonal skills sufficient to inspire and work effectively
with diverse groups of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the
Bar Association. Salary $60,000 to $80,000 with highly competitive benefits
package. See the University of Oregon website: http://www.
uoregon.edu/ (jobs/administrative) for a complete list of job requirements,
job description, application procedures, and supplemental questions. AA/EO/ADA
institution committed to cultural diversity.
ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY NEEDED ASAP — Good verbal/written skills, some courtroom or prior law office experience will be helpful as will a competitive personality. Firm is a growing multi-state litigation practice focusing on insurance defense (workers’ compensation), administrative (OSHA/safety), and employment law. New lawyers can quickly develop hands on experience working closely with senior attorneys. Cover letter, resume, transcript and writing sample needed. Excellent compensation and benefits package. Send to Reuel Fish, Cummins Goodman etal, PC, 100 S College Street, Newberg, OR 97132. Email: rkf@cumminsgoodman.com. Phone: (503) 476-8200, Fax: (503) 476-8250.
ASSOCIATE GENERAL COUNSEL — Locally headquartered company with a national presence seeks Associate General Counsel. Qualified candidates must possess strong interpersonal skills and ability to persuade and negotiate. Essential qualities include contract writing, solid verbal skills, and the ability to negotiate financial terms. Financial analysis experience would be helpful, but not required. Please send resume and salary requirements to the Oregon State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad O-20; P.O. Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035-0889.
ATTORNEY with excellent writing skills needed to prepare reports, briefs and motions in state and federal court in defense of cities and counties. Some travel. All resumes confidential. Salary negotiable. Send resumes to the Law Office of Robert E. Franz, Jr., P.O. Box 62, Springfield, OR 97477.
BITTNER & HAHS, P.C., a Lake Oswego AV-Rated law firm is seeking an associate attorney interested in practicing in the areas of business, real estate, and estate planning. Candidates must possess a strong academic record and must have a minimum of 2 years of experience. The firm offers growth opportunities, a friendly working environment and excellent benefits. To apply, please submit your cover letter and resume to Brandon C. Bittner at 4949 SW Meadows Road, Suite 260, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035. www.bittner-hahs.com.
BUSINESS ASSOCIATE — Lane Powell PC is seeking a business associate in our Portland, Oregon office with 3 to 5 years of experience in corporate finance and/or mergers and acquisitions. Candidates with excellent academic credentials and training should direct replies with resume, transcript, and writing sample to June Clark, Recruiting Coordinator, Lane Powell PC, 601 SW Second Avenue, Suite 2100, Portland, OR 97204-3158, or by e-mail to clarkj@lanepowell.com. Lane Powell PC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
BUSINESS ATTORNEY — Sussman Shank LLP is looking for attorneys to join its Business Practice Group. Applicants should have at least 5 years experience in a commercial and business practice with some experience in business transactions, entity formation, real estate, taxation and financing. Admission to practice in Oregon is required. Admission in Washington is a plus. Competitive compensation and benefits. Please send letter of application and resume to: Executive Director; Sussman Shank LLP; 1000 SW Broadway, Suite 1400, Portland, OR 97205. Learn more about our firm at our website: www.sussmanshank.com.
CONSTRUCTION/TRANSACTIONAL ASSOCIATE — Seifer, Yeats, Mills & Zwierzynski LLP seeks an associate attorney. The ideal candidate has two-plus years of experience in contract drafting, construction claims and litigation, corporate formation and commercial real estate transactions. The firm is an equal opportunity employer that promotes an environment that encourages personal as well as professional growth. Candidates should possess strong writing skills and familiarity with complex commercial/industrial construction projects. Please send a cover letter and résumé to Dan Gragg, Seifer, Yeats, Mills & Zwierzynski LLP, 121 SW Morrison, Suite 850, Portland, OR 97204; gragg@seifer-yeats.com.
Rothwell Earle & Xóchihua P.C. is a fifteen-attorney law
firm with a focus in insurance defense, coverage, professional malpractice,
general defense litigation, environmental, and construction defect litigation. We
seek an associate with two to four years litigation experience to work in
all areas of our practice. The candidate must be licensed in Oregon
with an excellent academic background. Please provide resume, writing
sample, and law school transcript to Gayle Thames, 1300 Southwest Fifth Avenue,
Suite 1900, Portland, Oregon 97201-5604. All
inquiries will be held in confidence.
ESTABLISHED CENTRAL OREGON LAW FIRM seeks experienced business and estate planning attorney for growing business, real estate, and estate planning practice. 5 to 15 years experience preferred. Salary dependent upon experience. Submit resume and references to Martin E. Hansen, Francis Hansen & Martin LLP, 1148 NW Hill Street, Bend, OR 97701.
ESTABLISHED LINCOLN CITY LAW FIRM seeks attorney with 2 or more years active civil litigation background. Family law experience desirable but not required. Excellent firm atmosphere. Life style values; flexible schedule and compensation arrangements; high income and partnership potential. Send resume to Andrews & Cramer, LLC, 2015 NW 39th Street, Suite 201, Lincoln City, Oregon 97367.
ESTATE PLANNING ATTORNEY —Downtown Portland estate planning firm looking for an attorney with at least 5 years of estate planning and administration, preferably with a tax background, who is self-motivated, intellectually curious, able to work with clients and keep their best interests at heart, and needs minimal supervision. We would like to find someone to do the following: draft estate planning documents, handle probates and trust administration, prepare estate and gift tax returns, do tax research, and work with LLCs. We are open to an associate, partner or of counsel relationship, depending on the circumstances. We offer all of the usual benefits and competitive compensation, a growing and challenging practice, a casual atmosphere, and the chance to learn from two experienced av-rated estate planning attorneys. Please contact Jim Cavanaugh by email only at jc@cltlaw.com.
FAST-PACED, HIGH-VOLUME LAW FIRM seeks attorney with 0-3 years experience for busy creditors’ rights and collection practice. Successful candidate will have excellent research and writing skills, ability to multi-task on multiple files, be computer literate and have good people skills. Sense of humor a must. Position involves litigation and court appearances, minimal travel. Washington and/or California license a plus. Relaxed and flexible office atmosphere, salary DOE. Firm offers excellent retirement benefits, free parking and medical insurance. Please send resume, references and writing sample to nas@smithgreaves.com. No telephone calls please.
GARRETT, HEMANN, ROBERTSON, JENNINGS, COMSTOCK & TRETHEWY, P.C., is accepting applications for a litigation associate. Must have 2-4 years civil litigation experience. Excellent written and oral advocacy skills and quality work experience required. Competitive compensation package with the potential for partnership. Oregon Bar required. Send resume, writing sample, references, and law school transcripts in confidence to J. Channing Bennett, Garrett, Hemann, Robertson, et al., PO Box 749, Salem OR 97308-0749.
Portland and Seattle offices of Lane Powell PC each seek an intellectual
property attorney with at least one year experience in trademark, copyright,
and/or licensing practice. Litigation experience is required. We are
looking for leaders and entrepreneurs prepared to take responsibility for
their own success.
Please send cover letter, resume, transcript, and writing sample to June
Clark, Recruiting Coordinator, Lane Powell PC, 601 2nd Avenue, Suite 2100,
Portland, OR 97204-3158; or by email to clarkj@lanepowell.com. Lane
Powell PC is an equal opportunity employer.
JONATHAN V. BARG, PC, an AV rated firm specializing in real estate transactions, is seeking an associate or of counsel attorney with 3+ years experience in real estate matters. Excellent academic record required. Send resume to Noelle Jolin, Barg Horvat PC, 121 SW Morrison, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon 97204, noelle@barghorvat.com.
JUVENILE DEPENDENCY/DOM REL ASSOCIATE — Four lawyer (expanding to five) Roseburg firm with court appointment contract seeks committed advocate to do court appointed dependency and retained domestic relations work. Some experience preferred, as well as an interest in criminal defense, but not required. Benefits include health insurance, retirement, vacation, experienced attorney mentors, very experienced staff support and the opportunity to develop a substantial private practice. Salary range $30,000 to $35,000 plus percentage bonus for retained work. Hope to fill position by June 1st. Send resume to Jim Arneson, PO Box 2190, Roseburg, OR 97470.
KLARQUIST SPARKMAN, LLP is one of the oldest and largest intellectual property law firms in the Northwest. Our firm’s litigation practice includes an active docket of patent and trademark litigations pending in federal courts around the United States. Currently, we are seeking a Contract Litigation Attorney for our main office located in downtown Portland to assist on cases anticipated to last 6 months to one year. Candidates should have 5-10+ years of experience in discovery and motion practice in complex civil cases in Federal court. Hours can be flexible. Interested candidates should send a resume and, if available, transcripts and a writing sample, by mail or email to: Eric A. Wong, SPHR; Human Resources Manager; Klarquist Sparkman, LLP, 121 SW Salmon, Suite 1600, Portland, Oregon 97204; humanresources@klarquist.com.
LEVIN & STEIN, a multi-state law firm specializing in the representation of homeowner associations is seeking an associate for our Portland office. Candidate should have excellent academic credentials and writing skills. Please send resume and writing sample to Levin & Stein, 2080 NW Everett Street, Suite 101, Portland, OR 97209 or via e-mail to felsasser@condodefects.com.
LITIGATION ASSOCIATE — Prominent mid-sized downtown Portland law firm seeks associate with 3 to 5 years solid litigation / business experience. Excellent opportunity to join fast-paced practice. Candidates with excellent academic credentials and litigation experience should direct responses with resume, transcript, writing sample and references to hiring partner, Scott L. Jensen at Brownstein, Rask, Sweeney, Kerr, Grim, DeSylvia & Hay, LLP.
LOOKING TO RELOCATE YOUR PRACTICE? Join well-established Eastside Portland Firm. Phone (503) 256-0780 or Fax (503) 252-5433.
MULTNOMAH EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT — Portland, seeks best solution to obtain needed legal services. Current General Counsel is retiring. We are open to filling our need by entering into a contractual relationship or by entering into an employment relationship. We are simultaneously issuing an RFP for legal services and posting a job vacancy for General Counsel position. If interested in a contractual relationship, submit a proposal. If interested in an employment relationship, submit a job application. Evaluation of proposals and applications will determine the form of relationship to provide services. We seek services in the areas of public sector labor and employment law, public contracting law, general government law, general school law, special education law and collective bargaining. For complete RFP and job announcement, please contact Human Resources, (503) 257-1513. Website: www.mesd.k12.or.us. Proposals and applications must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on May 11, 2007.
an executive search firm devoted exclusively to lawyer placement and established
in 1987, is seeking outstanding associates and partners for opportunities
assigned to us by the Northwest’s leading law
firms and corporations. If you have strong academic credentials and a focused
career progression, we can assist in your future. Contact Associate Specialist Jennifer
Reynolds (former practicing trademarks attorney), contact Associate
Specialist Stacie Moenning (former
CA Law Firm Recruitment Manager for 13 years) or contact President/Partner
Specialist Linda Green Pierce for a confidential
discusion. (503) 296-9500 See our web site: www.nwlegalsearch.com, Jenn@nwlegalsearch.com,
Stacie@nwlegalsearch.com, Linda@nwlegalsearch.com
STAYER LEGAL SEARCH is a Northwest-only
attorney search firm with an insider’s perspective. Although
we were established in 2000, we have been immersed in the legal community
since 1982. We specialize in careful matching – a fresh approach
that has generated a loyal following. We are currently conducting many exclusive
searches, especially in the areas of L&E, business, and real estate. Contact
us in confidence and you will understand the difference and why we are changing
the profession. Candice Wilson Stayer 503.968.0901 or cwstayer@stayerlegalsearch.com.
TROUTDALE CITY ATTORNEY — $80,000-$90,000 annually, three-quarter to full time position, salary and time negotiable depending on experience. Open until filled; applications must be received before 5 pm on May 11th. Work for the historic and picturesque City of Troutdale, the gateway to the Columbia River Gorge and only 20 minutes from downtown Portland. This position reports directly to the Mayor and City Council. The City Attorney provides legal advice to the City Council, the Troutdale Riverfront Renewal Agency and all City departments; advises the City in general legal matters, including land use planning, public works projects, code enforcement, public meetings and public records laws as well as election and ethics; prosecutes misdemeanor cases in municipal court; coordinates the use of outside counsel; drafts and reviews city contracts, ordinances, resolutions and policies; provides legal training to elected officials, city committees and staff; recruits, trains and supervises a court certified legal intern; and regularly attends evening meetings. See www.ci.troutdale.or.us for more information. Requirements: JD from an accredited law school; active member of Oregon State Bar Association in good standing; valid drivers license; at least 5 years experience as an attorney; at least 2 years advising government clients or a satisfactory combination of education and experience that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the duties of the position;. The successful candidate will be a self-starter who meets deadlines and demonstrates good organizational, critical thinking, negotiation and communication skills. Preference will be given to attorneys with more experience, especially advising Oregon cities. All offers contingent upon successful completion of a criminal background check, credit check and drug test. Please submit resume, cover letter, writing sample and list of 3 professional and one personal reference by attachment to an email regarding "Troutdale City Attorney" addressed to: bh@tacs.org. No telephone calls please.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRACTICE BUSINESS LAW in a community where there is significant growth and opportunity? Do you want to be part of an established law firm with a reputation for providing high quality service and expertise? We are seeking the "Best of the Best" to participate in the firm’s growth, direction and leadership. Landerholm, Memovich, Lansverk, & Whitesides, P.S. is a 17-attorney firm that is looking for a highly capable attorney with at least 5 years business law experience to join our thriving business practice. Located in Vancouver, Washington, we are the largest law firm in Southwest Washington which is an area that offers a superior quality of life, excellent schools, affordable housing, and numerous opportunities for community involvement. Vancouver is the fastest growing city in the state and is part of the fastest growing county in the Northwest. With that growth, there are excellent opportunities for intellectual, financial and organizational advancement. Resumes should be sent to rhonda.kates@ landerholm.com, or to Director of Operations, Landerholm, Memovich, et al, 805 Broadway Street, Suite 1000, Vancouver, WA 98660.
BAR BOX REPLIES — To reply to an ad in the classifieds listing a bar box address, mail responses in a 9 x 12 or smaller envelope to the Oregon State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad _____, P.O. Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035-0889. To protect the confidentiality of a bar box holder and of the reader, we offer the following service: if there is a firm you do not wish to see your response, list that firm (or firms) on a note included with your letter to the bar box. Put both in an envelope addressed to "Classified." If the box holder is a firm you have listed, your response will be thrown away.
A SENIOR ASSOCIATE — minus the overhead. A Contract Attorney with twenty years of civil practice and a record of excellent work. Will consider other "creative arrangements." Exceptional credentials, keen analytical skills, superior legal writing, a pragmatic approach to handling cases and issues. PLF. Reasonable rates. Please respond to the Oregon State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad P-21; PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
NEED HELP WITH A BIG CASE? Want to expand your practice? Want to take a vacation? Contact the OWLS Contract Lawyer Service. We can help. Fast! You contact us with project/job information. We immediately post the announcement to our contract lawyer list serve. You are promptly contacted by our contract lawyers who meet your criteria. Free! No fee to post jobs or projects. You pay the contract lawyer you hire. Effective! Contract lawyers statewide. Many levels of experience. Many types of expertise. For more information, or to post a job, contact: Norma Freitas by phone at 503/375-5484 or email at nsfreitas@aol.com.
"OF COUNSEL" ATTORNEY — Attorney with 18+ years’ experience plus portable practice seeks "of counsel" relationship with an energetic, service-oriented law firm in the PDX area. Areas of practice include business, real estate, and intellectual property law, specializing in start-ups and e-commerce. Let’s talk. Please respond to the Oregon State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad L-17; PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
ONE OF THE BEST workers’ compensation defense attorneys of last 30 years available for assistance to claimants’ attorneys and defense attorneys. All phases of practice. Please respond to the Oregon State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad M-18; PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
OFFICE FOR SALE — Madison Place Office Condominiums; Owner/User office for sale. 3,223 sf retail or 6,193 sf office condo. Brand new construction. Great Downtown location. Why rent when you can own! Call for price & financing packages. Contact: Sean Turley, NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson, (503) 273-0324.
UNIQUE CONDO CULLABY LK, N Oregon Coast, Canal front with dock, access to Lk. 5 minutes to Sunset Beach. 2 BR, 1 BA, fireplace, patio, w/w, Marmoleum. All new appliances including washer/dryer. $275,000 (503) 703-9864.
BIG MOUNTAIN, MT — Breathtaking scenery-on the mountain! 2 BR, 2 bath, family room, fireplace, balcony, fully furnished kitchen, sleeps 6. TVs, DVD player, high speed Internet, washer/dryer. Underground parking; hot tub; fitness facility. No smoking/pets. Close to Whitefish MT & Glacier National Park. Rates vary by season (360) 833-2788.
BLACK BUTTE RANCH — Ranch House No. 4, near Glaze Meadow. Wi-Fi and TiVo. Pictures and information at http://hometown.aol.com/ mbatlan/BBR-RH4.html or call (503) 588-9192. DCCA#111
EAGLE CREST HOUSE – Refurbished, 3 BR, 3 BA, hot tub, large deck, on Resort Golf Course. No pets. $175/night + cleaning. 1 week min. June-Sept, 2 night min. Oct-Apr (503) 538-8285.
GEARHART — Cozy, warm cottage. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, sleeps 10. Cable TV in Family room, gas fireplace in Living room. Fully equipped, fenced yard, ping-pong, bikes, games; close to beach. No smoking or pets. (503) 222-7439.
KONA, HAWAII — Beautiful 2 BR/2 bath condo on golf course, great ocean view. Tennis, oceanview pool, A/C. Minimum stay required; http://www.konacountryclubcondo.com/
KONA, HAWAII — Lovely oceanfront 1 BR condo. Large MBR, vaulted ceilings, great view. Tennis, oceanside pool and spa, walk to town (503) 675-6220; www. nevinproperties. com.
LAKE BILLY CHINOOK vacation rental. Enjoy all Central Oregon has to offer: fishing, boating, hiking, ATV, all out your front door. 3 bed, 2 bath, sleeps 4-6 on over an acre. 2/nt min. $85-$105/nt. Plus cleaning. No smoking (503) 260-0806.
LINCOLN CITY - Panoramic Ocean Views at Road’s End. On Logan Rd. Sleeps 10. Hot tub, gas grill, 3 BR, 2.5 BA. Info/pictures at http://www.vrbo.com/99587. $275/nt. Linda at (503) 646-9438.
LINCOLN CITY/CASCADE HEAD RANCH — Spectacular view of Salmon River estuary and ocean. Hiking, fishing, and summer swimming in protected pool. Golf nearby. Two-night minimum (July-Aug one-week minimum). $95/night. (503) 245-5946.
LINCOLN CITY (ROADS END) — Beach house, 2 bedroom, sleeps 4-6. Fantastic ocean view, 300 ft. to beach; fireplace, cable TV, VCR, kitchen $90/nt, 2 nt min (503) 466-0515. No smoking/no pets.
LOVELY ARTS AND CRAFTS CABIN we’ve owned these last 15 years on historic street overlooking bluff in Netarts Bay, on cusp of the bay and ocean. Walk to Oceanside along the beach. Incredible views from our top floor and outdoor deck. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, washer and dryer, outdoor shower; can sleep up to 8. Perfect place for a family vacation or romantic getaway. Discover why we love one of our state’s hidden gems. Sorry, no smoking or pets. Contact: cathy@oregoncoastcabin.com; www.OregonCoastCabin.com; Phone: (503) 842-2905; cell: (503) 812-6933.
MANZANITA BEACH HOUSE FOR RENT — 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 1 1/2 blocks from beach. Jacuzzi tub, home theatre system. No smoking, no pets. Please call (503) 297-7971.
restored. Scenic creekside setting. Hot tub, modern kitchen. 3 BR, 2 BA,
sleeps 6-8. No smoking/pets. (503) 698-7048 or visit www. minikan
NEDONNA BEACH — Luxury beachfront home, four bedrooms, three baths. Two miles from Rockaway Beach. $150/night, $50 cleaning fee per stay. No smoking, no pets, eight persons and three vehicles maximum. Six night minimum in summer (Memorial Day — Labor Day), two night minimum otherwise. Photos, description and reservation forms at: http://www. ignisys.com/beach .(503) 281-2469, Theresa@ignisys.com.
NEWPORT OCEANFRONT CONDO — Agate Beach, panoramic views, sleeps 4. Tastefully furnished. 1 bdrm, 1.5 bath. Kitchen, fireplace, decks, near golf. Little Creek Cove unit #123 (541) 343-3288.
OCEANSIDE — Beach house on cliffside, overlooking ocean and Netarts Bay. 4 decks, fireplace, spa tub, washer/dryer, and gourmet kitchen. Three baths, sleeps six; $300 weekend; $75/night on weekdays; $600 entire week; discounts for VIP guests and winter months (503) 478-1280.
OCEANSIDE — Breathtaking views of ocean, bay and mountains from beach house in secluded, woodsy setting. Decks, fireplace, fully equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, two baths. Privacy for six. Short walk to beach. Attractive rates (503) 803-4437 or (503) 293-1125.
OCEANSIDE — New beach house, well-equipped, 4 BR 3 BA, 3 levels, wheelchair accessible main, Cape Lookout view, wooded hillside, no pets/smoking. $180 nt, $1,100 wk; plus cleaning. Ted, (503) 970-8882, www.oceansidebeachhouse.info
SEASIDE — Large 3 BR, 2 BA, ½ block to beach. 2 TVs, partial ocean view. 2 night minimum - $150 per night, $950 per week + cleaning + tax (503) 228-4317 or (503) 777-3283.
SEASIDE — New 3200 square foot vacation home with panoramic ocean view and hot tub. Sleeps 8+. Pet/smoke-free. Available now. Introductory rates (360) 694-5175, 1 (877) 464-4429.
SUNRIVER — 4 BR, 2.5 BA, sleeps 10. Hot tub, pool table, golf course view, canoe, bikes. No smoking/pets. $225-$250/night (541) 276-1865, www.vrbo.com/46859, (DCCA 129)
SUNRIVER — Attractive 3 BR 2 BA home, hot tub, 6 bikes, 2 TVs, DVD/VCR, CD, BBQ, microwave, fireplace, dishwasher, washer/dryer and all amenities. Great location near mall and Ft. Rock Park. No smoking/pets (541) 354-1902 eves. DCCA #804
SUNRIVER — Custom built home, open floor plan, 3 bdrm + loft, 2.5 bath, hot tub, wet bar, many extras. Close to mall; No smoking/pets. $155-$175/per night + cleaning (541) 276-0867; DCCA 471.
SUNRIVER — Luxurious 4 BR 3.5 BA lodge style home on N. end near Deschutes. 2 masters, sleeps 10; 4 TVs, DVD/VCRs, gas grill, Jacuzzi, basketball, foosball, ping-pong, bikes, W/D. Photos: www. mtresort.com/virginiarail1 . Rates/availability at cgburke@easystreet.com.
SUNRIVER — Luxury 3300 sq. ft., 1 level, 5 br-3 masters/4 ba located across from river and within walking distance to North pool/Woodlands golf course. Completely redone in 2006. Granite countertops, light and bright, open floor plan, pool table, foosball, basketball, hot tub, bikes, baby necessities, free wireless high-speed internet. Go to www.sr-sunset.com/virginiarail.htm for virtual tour. Special rates for OSB members range from $300-380 p/n + cleaning. Call Dayna at (503) 887-7440 or DaynaU@comcast.net.
SUNRIVER — On the golf course! 4 BR 3.5 Baths, two family rooms, sleeps 10. Fireplace, Jacuzzi in Master Suite, new carpet and décor; four TVs, DVDs, Washer/Dryer, bikes, gas barbeque, hot tub, 2.5 car garage. Foosball, pool table. No smoking/pets. Walking distance to ClubHouse North. $225 - $275/night + cleaning virtual tour at www.sunrayinc.com/propview2.php?view=221(503) 364-9115.
SUNRIVER — Spacious newer custom built home w/ Mt. Bachelor view, near N. golf course. 4 BR - 2 master suites, large hot tub, bikes, light & spacious, huge decks, A/C, gas BBQ, well equipped. No smoking/pets (503) 628-1939. DCCA #593.
SUNRIVER — Warm, cozy, 2 bedroom, 1 bath Ranch Cabin, ideal for a weekend getaway. Fireplace, TV, VCR, DVD, CD, BBQ, microwave, dishwasher, washer/dryer, fully furnished & well-equipped. Sleeps 6. $95.00/night + $75 cleaning fee (541) 770-6720.
SUNRIVER HOME –4 BR/2BA, sleeps 8, loft, hot tub, decks with furniture, TV/VCR, large stone fireplace with split wood, W/D, 2 car garage, propane BBQ, 2300 sq. ft, well equipped, on secluded green way, near mall, pet friendly. Call for seasonal rates, 7th night free: (503) 654-8166 eves, (503) 692-3770 days. E-mail jhuston@wicinc.com
SUNRIVER HOME — Beautiful 4 BR, 3 BA home w/all amenities. Sleeps 8-10. 5 TVs w/VCR/DVD, approx. 100 videos, BBQ, stone fireplace, private hot tub on large deck. Lots of windows; great view of secluded are in back. Quiet location near Woodlands Golf Course. Swim passes provided. No smoking/pets (503) 292-8164.
SUNRIVER HOUSE — 4 BR/3BA, 5 queen beds. hot tub, bikes, canoe. Near Circle 6. Photos & info at www.sunriverhouserental.com. Call Bill Gibson (503) 307-1676.
Choose from over 150 Homes or Condos with hot tubs. Pets OK in some homes.
1-800-531-1130, book online at www.sunrayinc.com, or e-mail us at sunray@sunrayinc.com.
6 miles from Florence, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, air-conditioned. 1,500 - 1,900
euros. www.lawof
ficeofkenlawson. com, (206) 632-1085.
WEST MAUI CONDO - Beautiful 1 bedroom oceanfront, all amenities, pool, adjacent beachpark, quiet, convenient. $160/night, 5 nt. min. halekai117@aol.com or (541) 683-0808; www.members.aol.com/halekai117.
APPELLATE ATTORNEY — Available to assist with appeals or take referrals. Experienced with hundreds of appeals. Background also includes publication of the "Oregon Appellate Manual" with Butterworths, and eleven years of teaching legal writing, research and appellate advocacy at the University of Oregon School of Law. Some appeals cost under $3000. Call George Kelly, (541) 343-1884.
ARBITRATION-MEDIATION — Offering over 15 years of litigation experience as trial attorney and judge, coupled with over 21 years on the Oregon Court of Appeals. Wm. L. Richardson, Senior Judge, at your service. (503) 843-2111, judgeforhire@ onlinemac.com.
AVIATION ATTORNEY — Thomas J. Flaherty (503) 245-2500, stahlco@teleport.com. Aviation accidents; defense of FAA certificate enforcement actions; NTSB trials; purchase and sale of aircraft; available for representation, consultation or referrals. OSB member since 1974. Instrument rated commercial pilot. FAA Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) and FAA Certified Instrument Flight Instructor (CFII).
BOOKKEEPING & PAYROLL SERVICES with BillingMatters Plus & Quickbooks Pro, now accepting new clients! Always affordable rates, and have bookkeeping experiences with Law offices. Contact me now for rates & specials! (971) 222-4249 or email lind.mizar@gmail.com.
Offices of Matthew C. Mickelson represents law firms, individuals
and large and small businesses in statewide pre- and post-judgment collection
litigation, including lawsuits, arbitrations, writs, liens, levies, examinations,
garnishments, attachments, asset searches and seizures. Contingent fees
available. (818) 382-3360, mattmickelson@
CLASS ACTIONS, state court or federal, plaintiff or defense. ’82 admittee, a.v. rated. John Crowell (503) 222-4455.
CONSTRUCTION EXPERT — 33 years architect/owners representative. Project review, analysis, reports, testimony. Call or e-mail for free reference materials. Lee Eisner (541) 247-4530. eisner@nwtec.com.
CONTRACT ATTORNEY — Over 15 years civil litigation experience. Research, pleadings, motions and trial prep. Portland area office. PLF insured. Lisa Day (503) 722-9040.
EXPERIENCED SECURITIES ATTORNEY — I have handled hundreds of federal and state securities registrations, public and private offerings, mergers and acquisitions, state, federal and NASD broker dealer licensing, regulation and compliance matters. Former state regulator. Member NASD and NYSE arbitration panels. Available for contract work, referrals or co-counsel. Contact Jack Platten (503) 227-6266, jplatten@spiritone.com.
FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINER — Trained by the Secret Service and US Postal Crime Lab examiners. Fully equipped laboratory. Qualified in state and federal courts. Retired from the Eugene Police Department. Jim Green, (888) 485-0832.
FORGERY DETECTION/HANDWRITING IDENTIFICATION — Forensic Document Analysis; Consultations; Reports documenting findings & conclusions. Expert Testimony - Court-Qualified since 1973. Dorothy Lehman, (503) 654-7156.
GUNDERSON SERVICES, LLC — SERVICE OF PROCESS — Including service of legal papers, document retrieval, court filing, messenger, courier, and more. Serving Clark County to Salem. Same day service. Professional, ethical, determined. Call (503) 490-8959.
LEGAL ETHICS DEFENSE: ETHICS ADVICE & OPINIONS — Christopher R. Hardman — Providing defense services against Bar disciplinary proceedings; legal ethics advice, consultations, and opinion letters. Mr. Hardman is a former Assistant Disciplinary Counsel of the Oregon State Bar Office of Disciplinary Counsel; and a former Bar prosecutor. He is a speaker and moderator at Ethics Continuing Legal Education Seminars sponsored by the Bar, New Lawyers Division and others. He may be contacted at his office: Christopher R. Hardman, (503) 916-1787, or Fax (503) 916-1789; 909 SW St. Clair, Portland, OR 97205.
LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING — Harvard/Stanford grad, OSB member, 13+ years legal experience. Available for appeals, motions, briefs, memos and research. Special expertise in employment and workers’ compensation law. Tracy White, (503) 649-7376, tracy.j.white@gte.net.
LEGAL SECRETARY, Ind. Contractor; 20 years; all fields/courts; elec. filing; billing/trust accounting: Sandra (503) 643-1108.
LUMP SUMS CASH PAID For seller-financed real estate notes & contracts, divorce notes, business notes, structured settlements, lottery winnings. Since 1992. www.cascadefunding.com, Cascade Funding, Inc. 1 (800) 476-9644.
MEDICAL/LEGAL-CERTIFIED LEGAL NURSE CONSULTANT — Certified Critical Care R.N. to review medical records for merit. Expert Witness. Literature Searches. (503)859-2438 E-Mail lslindemann@earthlink.net
MEDICAL RECORDS & BILL REVIEW — RN/Medical Records Coding Specialist with 20 years experience will review your clients’ medical records and bills for accuracy and compliance. (503) 307-7179 e-mail dbly@cmedreview.com.
NEED HELP WITH A BIG CASE? Want to expand your practice? Want to take a vacation? Contact the OWLS Contract Lawyer Service. We can help. Fast! You contact us with project/job information. We immediately post the announcement to our contract lawyer list serve. You are promptly contacted by our contract lawyers who meet your criteria. Free! No fee to post jobs or projects. You pay the contract lawyer you hire. Effective! Contract lawyers statewide. Many levels of experience. Many types of expertise. For more information, or to post a job, contact: Norma Freitas by phone at 503/375-5484 or email at nsfreitas@aol.com.
QUALIFIED DOMESTIC RELATIONS ORDERS — Experienced retirement plans attorney specializes in QDROs. Can be prepared in 2-3 weeks on receipt of all necessary information. Call Paula Hammond at (503)684-3975.
WORKERS’ COMP — Actively engaged in the practice of workers’ compensation law since 1978, I am now accepting referrals. Dan DeNorch (503) 421-7136.
REPLACEMENT PROPERTY ALWAYS AVAILABLE — Passive cash flow. 1031 Exchange & TIC specialists. Since 1979. Marilyn at McWilliams Real Estate Services (503) 281-0195.
STRESS, anxiety, depression psychotherapy and counseling; career counseling; confidential assistance improving strained relationships, clarifying career considerations, responding constructively to occupational, family, and individual emotional developments, transitions, etc. Standish McCleary III, J.D., Ph.D., Lic. psychologist (16 yrs. atty); (503) 228-0688.
SEARCHING for the Will for Harold G. Hamburg and/or Evelyn C. Hamburg, both of Eugene. Contact Scott Taylor (541) 485-1511.
Deadlines are the first business day of each month for
the following month’s issue.
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E-mail: advertising@osbar.org; fax: (503) 598-6948; mail: P.O. Box 1689, Lake Oswego OR 97035, Attn: Advertising. For questions, contact Leone Gholston at advertising@osbar.org, (503) 431-6348 or 1-800-452-8260, ext. 348 (in Oregon and Idaho toll-free).