New database on genetic policy, laws The searchable database currently focuses on the following subject areas: genetic testing and counseling; insurance and employment discrimination; newborn screening; privacy of genetic information and confidentiality; informed consent; and commercialization and patenting. Plans are to add foreign statutes and laws, foreign policy, treaty and international agreements and policy matter from international organizations in the coming months. Equity Partner Pay Goes Up Small increases in net profits were generated by slightly increased billing rates, good control of expenses and a movement to de-equitize marginal partners. On a per-firm basis, law firm revenues increased four percent, while expenses increased just slightly more (4.2 percent), both up at about twice the rate of inflation. Increased revenue was due primarily to increased billing rates. Increased expense areas: paralegals (13 percent), occupancy (9.8 percent) and malpractice insurance (20.8 percent). The full press release, addressing billing rates, billable hours and compensation can be found online at Lawyer Technology Virtually Universal
The survey is an annual project of the ABA’s Legal Technology Resource Center. For more information, visit, or call (312) 988-5465. New Law Grads Finding Employment "Jobs and JD’s: Employment and Salaries of New Law Graduates — Class of 2003" is the 30th consecutive report of the National Association for Law placement (NALP). It documents an employment rate of 88.9 percent, which is virtually unchanged from the 89 percent figure for the class of 2002. For the last six years the employment market for new law school graduates has remained relatively strong. The median starting salary for full-time jobs was $55,000, compared to $60,000 for the class of 2002. For the first time since 1992, the median salary at law firms decreased (from $90,000 to $80,000), which reflects a small but measurable increase in the percentage of law firm jobs taken in smaller firms. The median for public interest jobs increases from $36,00 to $37,500. A copy of the complete press release can be found at; click on "Press & Media." . |
Poll: Americans trust the jury system A public opinion poll released Aug. 9 by the ABA reveals a strong belief and trust in the American jury system and debunks the notion that Americans think jury duty is a burden to be avoided. And yet, notes incoming ABA president Robert J. Grey Jr., courts around the country report serious problems with low responses to jury summonses. Like voting apparently, Americans believe in it wholeheartedly, but following through may not always be convenient. Three-quarters of those polled rejected the assertion that jury duty is a burden to be avoided. Also, 58 percent consider it to be a privilege and a responsibility they look forward to fulfilling. The new president plans to make the jury system a hallmark issue during his term, which began with the association’s annual meeting in early August.