July 2024 Oregon Bar Examination,
Pass/Fail Statistics
First Time
Applicants |
Applicants |
Did Not Pass
Pass Rate
Official letters regarding passage or failure on the Oregon Bar Examination have been sent to all applicants through their User Homepage at the OSB Admissions Application Portal.
Please note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice law in Oregon until the applicant has taken the Oath of Office, and submitted their oath to the State Court Administrator and their oath has been received by the Administrator. An applicant should expect their bar number to be issued within five business days after the State Court Administrator has received their oath.
The first opportunity for July 2024 examinees to submit an Oath of Office will be at the Fall Admission Ceremony, which will take place at 1:30 PM on Thursday, October 10, 2024 in Smith Auditorium on the main campus of Willamette University Main in Salem, Oregon (across the street from the Law School). You are welcome to bring your family and friends! The ceremony is open to everyone. The State Court Administrator and Oregon State Bar personnel will be at the auditorium to assist you with completing and filing your oath beginning at approximately 11:45 A.M. Representatives from the Professional Liability Fund and Oregon State Bar New Lawyers Division will be available to answer questions and provide information. A reception for our newest lawyers, sponsored by the Oregon New Lawyers Division of the Oregon State Bar, will immediately take place following the ceremony. The reception will be held in the First Floor Lounge of the Willamette University College of Law. Various member groups and affinity bars will attend the reception.
If you cannot attend the admissions ceremony, you may complete the oath online and mail it to the Oregon Supreme Court after the ceremony. Please note the court will NOT accept your oath prior to Thursday, October 10, 2024. The Supreme Court’s mailing address is 1163 State St. Salem, OR 97301. The oath form is available here.
Please contact the office of the Board of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Addington, Cordelia
Alexander, Vina
Almohyani, Esmail
Altman, Cody
Alvarez Carrillo, Irma
Anderson, Emily
Anderson, Kade
Andrus, Erek
Arnone, Monica
Ayers, Jenna
Baines, Melissa
Baker, Joshua
Baker, Matthew
Balcer, Brenton
Baloga, Andrew
Barchers, Lilianna
Bartow, Hannah
Batki, Mario
Baumgarten, Joshua
Beeman-White, Adelaide
Bell, RaeAnn
Bestor, Kaitilyn
Bjarkason, Margret
Blanchard, Dylan
Blaskowsky, Alexa
Blatt, Kara
Blum, Kenji
Boben, Martha
Bourke, Jayden
Brace, Carter
Bradley, Alissa
Braun, Madeleine
Brookes, Alexander
Brown, David
Brown, Stephen
Brugger, Jake
Bryant-Tiktin, Megan
Bunnell, Ella
Burghard, Nicholas
Burns, Rachel
Buytkins, Joel
Caffarelli, John
Carlo, Tyler
Carpenter, Wilson
Carter, Corrina
Casini, Erin
Catanzano, Cameron
Cetas, Elijah
Chapin, Danita
Charbonneau, Karly
Chenier, Gabriel
Chrisman, Shawna
Christiansen, Elizabeth
Clark, Jordan
Clark, Elizabeth
Clarkson, Matthew
Cloyd, Celeste
Colvin, Evianna
Colwell, Ana
Corn, Alex
Corrarino, Megan
Cousins, Andrew
Creech, Melissa
Crocker, Tavis
Crow, Matteo
Dagan, Elliad
Daley, Emilee
Daniels, Meghan
Delman, Max
Dilk, Stephen
Doering, Brad
Donaldson, Alexandra
Dorsey, Jennifer
Dougherty, Hannah
Dow, Mickayla
Dowell, Lauren
Downing, Sean
Doyle, Erin
Driver, Samuel
Dugoni, Jonathan
Dunn, Kelsey
Ebbers, Phillip
Eden, Erika
Edwards, Margaret
Eno, Adam
Fedance, Lauren
Feldman, Lucas
Fierstos, Kilani
Fishman, Daniela
Fisk, Gioia
Forest, Alyssa
Gabel, Justin
Galstev, Nikolay
Gantzer Barajas, Edwina
Garrett, Chelsea
Garrett, Zoe
Garry, Kelli
Gee, Darren
Giering, Holly
Gill, Emma
Gill, Gaganpreet
Gillard, Natalie
Giuggio, Michaela
Goldman, Eve
Gonzalez, Millie
Gonzalez-Yoxtheimer, Devon
Goon, David
Gorman, Kelsey
Granados, Ricardo
Grant, Shaun
Grant, Justin
Green, Jenna
Greenfield, Abby
Grimaldi, Allison
Gueno, Miles
Guida, Emma
Gulick, Matthew
Haddad, Justin
Haley, Jacob
Hall, Joshua
Hall, Courtenay
Harbeson, Eric
Harris, Isabel
Harris, Sophia
Harris, Aidan
Hash, Amanda
Hayakawa, Robin
Hayden, Juliet
Hedstrom, Grace
Heilweil, Alannah
Helland, Isaac
Herrmann, John
Hertz, Brandon
Hess, Allison
Hinds, Steven
Hogan, Mariah
Hollis, Ashley
Hooker, Kasey
Hooks, Margaret
Howe, Zachary
Howell, Tiffany
Hueske, Madeline
Hyett, Ilona
Irwin, Jadan
Itzhaki, Ethan
Jacobs, Taylor
Jang, Ine Young
Johnson, Jamie
Johnson, Sarah
Johnson, Brooklyn
Jones, Margaret
Jones, Veronica
Josephson, Elise
Kain, Elexis
Kamani, Amitav
Karim, Elissa
Kaufelt, Sabrina
Kazi, Aleesha
Kelley, Justice
Kennedy, Valerie
Kerr, JC
Khalife, Ryan
Khan, Asma
Kim, Sun
Kirsch, Nicolas
Kleber, Jared
Klein, Alexander
Klupar, Sydney
Knudson, Toni
Koepke, Elise
Koerner, Spencer
Kohls, Amanda
Kwok, Lillian
LaChance, Hannah
Larsen, Whitney
LeDuc Montgomery, David
LeRoux, William
Lewis, Colby
Logan, Baylee
Lovely, Sarah
Lowe, Dylan
Macwan, Rianka
Maddy, Jordan
Mahoney, Ireland
Mallett, Avery
Malsin, Jack
Margida, Gregory
Marino, Mikaela
Markin, James
Martin, Case
Mauldin, Daniel
May, Bennett
Mayans, Elizabeth
McCullough, Daniel
McMillan, Diane
McMillen, Matthew
Meads, Sophie
Mercado, Nicholas
Milanowski, Nathan
Miotto, Enrico
Mondloch, Erin
Moore, Zachary
Morones, Joseph
Morris, Alicia
Morrison, Samantha
Muessig, Coral
Mullen, Bradley
Nacev, Zachary
Nasson, Allison
Newlin, Tamra
Newman, Michael
Newmister, Todd
Noll, Galen
Nunez, Edward
O’Flaherty, Rachel
Olorunlambe, Kazeem
Osunsade, Oluwaseyifunmi
Panyam, Sheila
Park, Andrew
parker, michael
Parker, Kara
Parsons, Taylor
Patrick, Mackenzie
Peters, Edward
Peterson, Taylor
Petrauski, Spencer
Phenicie, Beau
Popenoe, Abigail
Pritchard, Jemma
Quackenbush, Cameron
Raju, Sowmiya
Randolph, Elizabeth
Ray, Amanda
Reese, Madelyn
Reutin, Anna
Rickford, Edward
Riege, Danielle
Rigler, Emily
Risoleo, Rachel
Rivas, Melanie
Rodriguez-Walmisley, Raquel
Russell, Madeline
Ryan, Brittany
Sakamoto, Camille
Sanchez, David
Sandhu, Allison
Scharer, Malia
Schleiffers, David
Schmidt, Devon
Schnapper, Rachel
Seggman, Samuel
Serafini, Jacob
Shah, Anuj
Shearer, Abigail
Shell, John
Shryock, Allison
Skalsky, Dawson
Smith, Dillan
Smith, Nathan
Smith, Rylin
Sohlberg, Amy
Sommerfeldt, Maryn
Souder, Cole
Spencer, Heather
Spencer, Caitlin
Spezia-Shwiff, Austin
Spratt, Thomas
Springer, Mackenzie
Stanfill, Samantha
Star, Jeffrey
Stauffer-Person, Hailey
Stayner, Jackson
Stewart, Gabrielle
Stewart, Ashley
Stinson, Jack
Subach, Amy
Sugarman, Eric
Summerville, James
Swanson, Andrew
Symes, Brennan
Tasa, Jonathan
Taylor, Julia
Tedeschi-Bowman, Kelly
Teeny, Jenna
Tesch, Chloe
Thaemert, Jaycie
Thayer, Jillian
Tolmie, Julie
Torres, Emily
Tourgee, Heather
Tvaroch, Alexander
Valorn, Rebekah
Veronin, Lauren
Wallace, Gordon
Wallis, Jandee
Walton, Nicholas
Watson, Isaiah
Weeks, Logan
Wernsman, Kelsey
West, Makayla
Westlund, Taylor
Whisman, Linnea
White, Taylor
Wilhelmi, Rose
Wilkins, Sydney
Wogan, Adam
Woyak, Ethan
Wu, Winnie
Wutte, Anna
Zusman, Grace
Information updated 9/19/2024